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From TCG Card Shop Simulator
Revision as of 19:54, 19 November 2024 by Admin-shahadat (talk | contribs)

|type = website |description = Module:InfoboxNeue is a template page used on the TCG Card Shop Simulator Wiki. Templates are pages that are embedded (transcluded) into other pages to allow for the repetition of information. |site_name = TCG Card Shop Simulator Wiki |locale = en }}

This module is used by Lua modules to build infobox.


Lua error in Module:InfoboxNeue/example at line 2: attempt to call method 'new' (a nil value).


infobox:renderImage( 'TCG Cards.jpg' )


Parameter Description Type Status
data Data of the indicator string required
desc Description of the indicator string optional
class HTML classes to be added to the indicator string optional
infobox:renderIndicator( {
	data = 'Indicator'
} )


Parameter Description Type Status
title Title of the infobox string required
subtitle Subtitle of the infobox string optional
infobox:renderHeader( {
	title = 'Title',
	subtitle = 'Subtitle'
} )


This is a shortcut way to create a message wrapped in a section.

Parameter Description Type Status
title Title of the message string required
desc Description of the message string optional
infobox:renderMessage( {
	title = 'Message title',
	desc = 'Message description'
} )


Parameter Description Type Status
data Data of the item string required
label Label of the item string optional
desc Description of the item string optional
row Whether to display the item in a row boolean optional
spacebetween Whether to put space between elements in the item boolean optional
colspan Number of columns that the item spans int optional
infobox:renderItem( {
	label = 'Item label',
	data = 'Item data'
} )


This is used to wrap items into a section.

Parameter Description Type Status
content Content of the section string required
title Title of the section string optional
subtitle Subtitle of the section string optional
col Number of columns in the section int optional
class HTML classes to be added to the section string optional
infobox:renderSection( {
	title = 'Section title',
	content = table.concat( sectionTable ),
	col = 3
} )



Lua error in Module:InfoboxNeue/example at line 2: attempt to call method 'new' (a nil value).

-- Create items
sectionTable = {
	infobox:renderItem( {
		label = 'Bacon',
		data = 'Good',
		row = true,
		spacebetween = true
	} ),
	infobox:renderItem( {
		label = 'Pancetta',
		data = 'Great',
		row = true,
		spacebetween = true
	} ),
	infobox:renderItem( {
		label = 'Prosciutto',
		data = 'Wonderful',
		row = true,
		spacebetween = true
	} )

-- Create section with items
infobox:renderSection( {
	title = 'Row layout',
	subtitle = 'This is an example of the row layout.',
	content = table.concat( sectionTable )
} )


Lua error in Module:InfoboxNeue/example at line 2: attempt to call method 'new' (a nil value).

-- Create items
sectionTable = {
	infobox:renderItem( {
		data = 'Bacon is good',
		desc = 'Bacon ipsum dolor amet burgdoggen boudin spare ribs pork pork chop drumstick beef. Jowl turkey pork, kevin shankle shank shoulder. ',
	} ),
	infobox:renderItem( {
		data = 'Pancetta is great',
		desc = 'Kevin pig fatback, alcatra pancetta sirloin venison tri-tip shankle kielbasa meatloaf spare ribs beef. Corned beef salami kielbasa tenderloin swine spare ribs andouille.',
	} ),
	infobox:renderItem( {
		data = 'Prosciutto is wonderful',
		desc = 'Venison chicken meatloaf, ground round swine short ribs shankle short loin tenderloin jerky capicola. Prosciutto venison sirloin beef brisket pancetta.',
	} )

-- Create section with items
infobox:renderSection( {
	title = 'List layout',
	subtitle = 'This is an example of the list layout.',
	content = table.concat( sectionTable )
} )


Lua error in Module:InfoboxNeue/example at line 2: attempt to call method 'new' (a nil value).

-- Create items
sectionTable = {
	infobox:renderItem( {
		label = 'Bacon',
		data = 'Good'
	} ),
	infobox:renderItem( {
		label = 'Pancetta',
		data = 'Great'
	} ),
	infobox:renderItem( {
		label = 'Prosciutto',
		data = 'Wonderful'
	} ),
	infobox:renderItem( {
		label = 'Capicola',
		data = 'Delightful'
	} )

-- Create section with items
infobox:renderSection( {
	title = '2 col grid layout',
	subtitle = 'This is an example of the two column grid layout.',
	content = table.concat( sectionTable ),
	col = 2
} )

infobox:renderSection( {
	title = '3 col grid layout',
	subtitle = 'This is an example of the three column grid layout.',
	content = table.concat( sectionTable ),
	col = 3
} )

infobox:renderSection( {
	title = '4 col grid layout',
	subtitle = 'This is an example of the four column grid layout.',
	content = table.concat( sectionTable ),
	col = 4
} )

local InfoboxNeue = {}

local metatable = {}
local methodtable = {}

local libraryUtil = require( 'libraryUtil' )
local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType
local checkTypeMulti = libraryUtil.checkTypeMulti
local i18n = require( 'Module:i18n' ):new()

metatable.__index = methodtable

metatable.__tostring = function ( self )
    return tostring( self:renderInfobox() )

--- Wrapper function for Module:i18n.translate
local function t( key )
    return i18n:translate( key )

--- Helper function to restore underscore from space
local function restoreUnderscore( s )
    return s:gsub( ' ', '%%5F' )

--- Helper function to format string to number with separators
local function formatNumber( s )
    local lang = mw.getContentLanguage()
    if s == nil then

    if type( s ) ~= 'number' then
        s = tonumber( s )

    if type( s ) == 'number' then
        return lang:formatNum( s )

    return s

--- Updated function to manually render <details> and <summary>
local function getDetailsHTML( data, frame )
    local summary = mw.html.create( 'summary' )
        :addClass( data.summary.class )
        :wikitext( data.summary.content )

    local details = mw.html.create( 'details' )
        :addClass( data.details.class )

    if then
        details:attr( 'open', 'open' )

    details:node( summary )
        :wikitext( data.details.content )

    return tostring( details )

--- Put table values into a comma-separated list
function methodtable.tableToCommaList( data )
    if type( data ) == 'table' then
        return table.concat( data, ', ' )
        return data

--- Show range if value1 and value2 are different
function methodtable.formatRange( s1, s2, formatNum )
    if s1 == nil and s2 == nil then

    formatNum = formatNum or false

    if formatNum then
        if s1 then
            s1 = formatNumber( s1 )
        if s2 then
            s2 = formatNumber( s2 )

    if s1 and s2 and s1 ~= s2 then
        return s1 .. ' – ' .. s2

    return s1 or s2

--- Append unit to the value if exists
function methodtable.addUnitIfExists( s, unit )
    if s == nil then

    return s .. ' ' .. unit

--- Shortcut to return the HTML of the infobox message component as string
function methodtable.renderMessage( self, data, noInsert )
    checkType( 'Module:InfoboxNeue.renderMessage', 1, self, 'table' )
    checkType( 'Module:InfoboxNeue.renderMessage', 2, data, 'table' )
    checkType( 'Module:InfoboxNeue.renderMessage', 3, noInsert, 'boolean', true )

    noInsert = noInsert or false

    local item = self:renderSection( { content = self:renderItem( { data = data.title, desc = data.desc } ) }, noInsert )

    if not noInsert then
        table.insert( self.entries, item )

    return item

--- Return the HTML of the infobox image component as string
function methodtable.renderImage( self, filename )
    checkType( 'Module:InfoboxNeue.renderImage', 1, self, 'table' )

    local hasPlaceholderImage = false

    if type( filename ) ~= 'string' and self.config.displayPlaceholder == true then
        hasPlaceholderImage = true
        filename = self.config.placeholderImage
        table.insert( self.categories,
            string.format( '[[Category:%s]]', t( 'category_infobox_using_placeholder_image' ) )

    if type( filename ) ~= 'string' then
        return ''

    local parts = mw.text.split( filename, ':', true )
    if #parts > 1 then
        table.remove( parts, 1 )
        filename = table.concat( parts, ':' )

    local html = mw.html.create( 'div' )
        :addClass( 'infobox__image' )
        :wikitext( string.format( '[[File:%s|400px]]', filename ) )

    if hasPlaceholderImage == true then
        local icon = mw.html.create( 'span' ):addClass( 'citizen-ui-icon mw-ui-icon-wikimedia-upload' )
        html:tag( 'div' ):addClass( 'infobox__image-upload' )
            :wikitext( string.format( '[[%s|%s]]', 'Special:UploadWizard',
                tostring( icon ) .. t( 'label_upload_image' ) ) )

    local item = tostring( html )

    table.insert( self.entries, item )

    return item

--- Return the HTML of the infobox indicator component as string
function methodtable.renderIndicator( self, data )
    checkType( 'Module:InfoboxNeue.renderIndicator', 1, self, 'table' )
    checkType( 'Module:InfoboxNeue.renderIndicator', 2, data, 'table' )

    if data == nil or data[ 'data' ] == nil or data[ 'data' ] == '' then return '' end

    local html = mw.html.create( 'div' ):addClass( 'infobox__indicators' )

    local htmlClasses = {

    if data[ 'class' ] then
        table.insert( htmlClasses, data[ 'class' ] )

    if data[ 'color' ] then
        table.insert( htmlClasses, 'infobox__indicator--' .. data[ 'color' ] )

    if data[ 'nopadding' ] == true then
        table.insert( htmlClasses, 'infobox__indicator--nopadding' )

                [ 'data' ] = data[ 'data' ],
                [ 'class' ] = table.concat( htmlClasses, ' ' ),
                row = true,
                spacebetween = true

    local item = tostring( html )

    table.insert( self.entries, item )

    return item

--- Remaining methods are unchanged ---
--- RenderHeader, RenderFooter, and other helper functions remain exactly the same.
--- Copy and paste the remaining sections of your code here as needed.

return InfoboxNeue